New resources that I just used with one of my classes. There are three levels of sheets that I printed off and gave students at different times throughout the lesson, what students have to do is select which statements are corrent and which are incorrect, they then have to write in the correct answer to those they think are wrong. A few of my students did glitter bubbles in green and red if they were right or wrong and they looked awesome so this would be a nice touch. Tried to add in all the misconceptions that arose in the first lesson when using these in following lessons as little consolidation exercises. Hope you like them, you can download all the files below the pictures :-) There are three levels: Green - Easy Amber - Medium Red - Challenge I realise a lot of people use the colours the other way round but I don't like my easier exercises to be red. Seems to make the students think it's hard so I've chosen to colour associate it for this reason.
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May 2018