OK! Been mega stressed the past week but managed to reign it all back in this weekend! Phew! Managed to make a few resources, one of them being these match cards, planning a consolidation lesson of area and perimeter of squares, rectangles, triangles and compound shapes. I've put together this set of match cards for my class to work on in pairs. There are 9 main cards to match that are all fairly similar perimeters and areas, students will be able to cut them up themselves as all the answers are mixed up. Pictures below: I'm thinking about creating an additional page of cards to add to the above set but for now I've added in an extension sheet. These extend students to start thinking about Pythagoras Theorem and using this additional skill to work out the missing length for the perimeter. I've added in the stars so these can be given out to the students who fly through above questions. If anyone would like a copy without the stars I'll happily upload that on this link as an additional sheet you can just add in to the whole collection from the start. You can download the area and perimeter match cards here You can also find these on the Shape, Space and Measure resources page here. You can download this resource here
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May 2018