Spot the cookies! Literacy and attention GameSo here is a bit of a game I designed for one of my classes. I do have to say that this was put together very specifically for the individuals in this class, but turned out to be really successful across other classes in the end! The idea is to keep the students fixated on watching the board, and specifically during periods when I was modelling a lot of examples. I had a small group who were as fast as lightening to switch off once we started certain tasks, so I made this to liven them up during the lesson. It definitely worked with this class so hopefully someone else may find this useful! :-) The idea is that throughout your powerpoint/notebook etc lesson you hide some cookies into the work or onto the worksheets, this does take about 5 minutes to do so probably not best to start hiding cookies onto every lesson. And as I said this was for a specific year 8 class so this won't be for everyone! What the students also have to do is spot the keyword or keywords used in the lesson and tally them up. The aim then is to score 7 points for each cookie they find and 9 points every time the keywords are used. You can allocate the keywords at the start of the lesson, and then students can add up their totals at the end and see who wins! Here's an idea of how you can hide one of the cookies in your lesson! I have also animated them as explained below. It's like 'Ultimate Where's Wally?'. If you would like to download spot the cookies maths resource you can do so by following this link. You can download the cookie image here, once entering it into slides etc. just click on format and set it to 'behind text' or click on 'send to back' to hide it behind objects. I also had then appear for a second on slides such as the learning objectives to really keep them on their toes! That way they never know when they might appear! Here is a fantastic resource that I found on Miss B's Resources @missbsresources that I'm going to start using with some of my other classes, students have to choose three key words. Once these words have been selected the students have to calculate the value of each word and tally them up for some competition! This also gets students working with monetary amounts which I really like!
Happy teaching! Keep your eyes peeled for the next blog post I will be unveiling the first of my interactive maths games! :-)
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May 2018